
Robot-Assisted Stair Climbing Training (RASCT)
Document Type
Morone G, Paolucci S, Cherubini A, De Angelis D, Venturiero V, Coiro P, Iosa M. Robot-assisted gait training for stroke patients: current state of the art and perspectives of robotics. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2017 May 15;13:1303-1311. doi: 10.2147/NDT.S114102. eCollection 2017.
Robot-assisted Locomotor and Stair Climbing Training for Improving Mobility and Participation in Daily Activities in Persons Affected by Stroke: a Multicenter Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial
Trial design: A pilot randomized (allocation ratio 1:1), single blind clinical trial (RCT) comparing the effects between the experimental [Robot-Assisted Stair Climbing Training group (RASCT)] and control group (Conventional Physiotherapy, CP) in improving stair climbing ability and postural control in stroke patients. The examiner will be blind to group assignment.
Stair climbing up and down is an essential part of everyday's mobility. Physiotherapy is focused on muscle strengthening, real floor walking and stairs climbing tasks, but these methods do not stress in terms of intensity stair-climbing practice. The aims of this study is to compare whether an intensive robot-assisted stair climbing training (RASCT) is more effective than conventional physiotherapy (CP) for improving stair climbing ability, gait and postural control in stroke patients.