
Non-equilibrium fluctuations and athermality as quantum resources
Document Type
Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Within quantum information, a very productive way to look at physical phenomena is under the light of the framework of resource theories. Through it, one can focus on questions such as in what sense a particular physical feature can be thought of as a resource for certain tasks, and how can it be quantified. A particularly prominent example of this is the theory of quantum entanglement. In recent years, a research program has emerged in which researchers are trying to build a resource theory relevant for thermodynamical and non-equilibrium phenomena at the quantum and nano scales. The overarching aim is to find how the perspective given by quantum information tools and techniques help us understand new and existing results of the field. In this thesis we advance these efforts by introducing different kinds of non-equilibrium fluctuations into the theory: fluctuations of work and fluctuations of states. In this way, we manage to merge a number of ideas from the field of stochastic thermodynamics into the resource-theoretic framework. We further explore the structure of this resource theory by introducing results in which the finiteness of the heat bath's size is considered, deriving corrections to well-known expressions regarding work extraction. On top of this, we also consider the usefulness within non-equilibrium thermodynamics of other tools coming from quantum information theory, such as the relative entropy and the idea of a recovery map. The connection between the recovery map and the property of quantum detailed balance (and time reversal more generally) is highlighted, and a bound on the entropy production of Davies maps is derived inspired by recent results on quantum information.

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