
Insider accounts of the move to the outside : an interpretative phenomenological analysis of three young people's perceptions of their transition from the secure estate (custody) into education, training or employment
Document Type
Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Young people who have experienced the secure estate as a result of being involved in offending behaviour are particularly vulnerable to poor life outcomes (unemployment, poor education, mental health difficulties, social exclusion etc.). This research project focusses on three young people's perspectives of their own transition from the secure estate into education, training or employment in order to contribute to the growing knowledge base around this population of young people. This contribution is in the form of an interpretation by the author of these idiographic accounts of transition. The young people were identified by professionals within the Youth Justice System. Each young person was interviewed about their experience of transition twice in the secure estate and once following release. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Converging themes emerged from all three participants around their experiences of social exclusion as young people involved in offending behaviour, and the challenge they perceived in separating from offending behaviour. Diverging themes emerged between the young people in terms of one young person's experience of institutionalisation, and two young people's goal directed approaches to transition. This research contextualises its findings in relation to existing literature and draws out recommendations for future research and educational psychology practice in relation to young people leaving the secure estate. This has implications for how young people are understood and supported through transition.

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