
Streaming Algorithms for Weighted $k$-Disjoint Matchings
Document Type
Working Paper
Computer Science - Data Structures and Algorithms
We design and implement two single-pass semi-streaming algorithms for the maximum weight $k$-disjoint matching ($k$-DM) problem. Given an integer $k$, the $k$-DM problem is to find $k$ pairwise edge-disjoint matchings such that the sum of the weights of the matchings is maximized. For $k \geq 2$, this problem is NP-hard. Our first algorithm is based on the primal-dual framework of a linear programming relaxation of the problem and is $\frac{1}{3+\varepsilon}$-approximate. We also develop an approximation preserving reduction from $k$-DM to the maximum weight $b$-matching problem. Leveraging this reduction and an existing semi-streaming $b$-matching algorithm, we design a $\frac{k}{(2+\varepsilon)(k+1)}$-approximate semi-streaming algorithm for $k$-DM. For any constant $\varepsilon > 0$, both of these algorithms require $O(nk \log_{1+\varepsilon}^2 n)$ bits of space. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study of semi-streaming algorithms for the $k$-DM problem. We compare our two algorithms to state-of-the-art offline algorithms on 82 real-world and synthetic test problems. On the smaller instances, our streaming algorithms used significantly less memory (ranging from 6$\times$ to 114$\times$ less) and were faster in runtime than the offline algorithms. Our solutions were often within 5\% of the best weights from the offline algorithms. On a collection of six large graphs with a memory limit of 1 TB and with $k=8$, the offline algorithms terminated only on one graph (mycielskian20). The best offline algorithm on this instance required 640 GB of memory and 20 minutes to complete. In contrast, our slowest streaming algorithm for this instance took under four minutes and produced a matching that was 18\% better in weight, using only 1.4 GB of memory.
Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures