
GDA: Generalized Diffusion for Robust Test-time Adaptation
Document Type
Working Paper
Computer Science - Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Machine learning models struggle with generalization when encountering out-of-distribution (OOD) samples with unexpected distribution shifts. For vision tasks, recent studies have shown that test-time adaptation employing diffusion models can achieve state-of-the-art accuracy improvements on OOD samples by generating new samples that align with the model's domain without the need to modify the model's weights. Unfortunately, those studies have primarily focused on pixel-level corruptions, thereby lacking the generalization to adapt to a broader range of OOD types. We introduce Generalized Diffusion Adaptation (GDA), a novel diffusion-based test-time adaptation method robust against diverse OOD types. Specifically, GDA iteratively guides the diffusion by applying a marginal entropy loss derived from the model, in conjunction with style and content preservation losses during the reverse sampling process. In other words, GDA considers the model's output behavior with the semantic information of the samples as a whole, which can reduce ambiguity in downstream tasks during the generation process. Evaluation across various popular model architectures and OOD benchmarks shows that GDA consistently outperforms prior work on diffusion-driven adaptation. Notably, it achieves the highest classification accuracy improvements, ranging from 4.4\% to 5.02\% on ImageNet-C and 2.5\% to 7.4\% on Rendition, Sketch, and Stylized benchmarks. This performance highlights GDA's generalization to a broader range of OOD benchmarks.