
Electron-phonon coupling induced topological phase transition in an $\alpha$-$T_{3}$ Haldane-Holstein model
Document Type
Working Paper
Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
We present impelling evidence of topological phase transitions induced by electron-phonon (e-ph) coupling in an $\alpha$-$T_3$ Haldane-Holstein model that presents smooth tunability between graphene ($\alpha=0$) and a dice lattice $(\alpha=1)$. The e-ph coupling has been incorporated via the Lang-Firsov transformation which adequately captures the polaron physics in the high frequency (anti-adiabatic) regime, and yields an effective Hamiltonian of the system through zero phonon averaging at $T=0$. While exploring the signature of the phase transition driven by polaron and its interplay with the parameter $\alpha$, we identify two regions based on the values of $\alpha$, namely, the low to intermediate range $(0 < \alpha \le 0.6)$ and larger values of $\alpha~(0.6 < \alpha < 1)$ where the topological transitions show distinct behaviour. There exists a single critical e-ph coupling strength for the former, below which the system behaves as a topological insulator characterized by edge modes, finite Chern number, and Hall conductivity, with all of them vanishing above this value, and the system undergoes a spectral gap closing transition. Further, the critical coupling strength depends upon $\alpha$. For the latter case $(0.6 < \alpha < 1)$, the scenario is more interesting where there are two critical values of the e-ph coupling at which trivial-topological-trivial and topological-topological-trivial phase transitions occur for $\alpha$ in the range $[0.6:1]$. Our studies on e-ph coupling induced phase transitions show a significant difference with regard to the well-known unique transition occurring at $\alpha = 0.5$ (or at $0.7$) in the absence of the e-ph coupling, and thus underscore the importance of interaction effects on the topological phase transitions.
Comment: 18 pages, 16 figures, comments are welcome