
Classical T Tauri stars with VPHAS$+$: I: H$\alpha$ and $u$-band accretion rates in the Lagoon Nebula M8
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics
We estimate the accretion rates of 235 Classical T Tauri star (CTTS) candidates in the Lagoon Nebula using $ugri$H$\alpha$ photometry from the VPHAS+ survey. Our sample consists of stars displaying H$\alpha$-excess, the intensity of which is used to derive accretion rates. For a subset of 87 stars, the intensity of the $u$-band excess is also used to estimate accretion rates. We find the mean variation in accretion rates measured using H$\alpha$ and $u$-band intensities to be $\sim$ 0.17 dex, agreeing with previous estimates (0.04-0.4 dex) but for a much larger sample. The spatial distribution of CTTS align with the location of protostars and molecular gas suggesting that they retain an imprint of the natal gas fragmentation process. Strong accretors are concentrated spatially, while weak accretors are more distributed. Our results do not support the sequential star forming processes suggested in the literature.
Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 23 pages and figs. Tables 2 and 4 in full can be obtained by contacting the author, and will be given in the online version of the journal