
Measurement of $K^{+}$ production in charged-current $\nu_{\mu}$ interactions
Document Type
Working Paper
Phys. Rev. D 94, 012002 (2016)
High Energy Physics - Experiment
Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors
Production of K^{+} mesons in charged-current \nu_{\mu} interactions on plastic scintillator (CH) is measured using MINERvA exposed to the low-energy NuMI beam at Fermilab. Timing information is used to isolate a sample of 885 charged-current events containing a stopping K^{+} which decays at rest. The differential cross section in K^{+} kinetic energy, d\sigma/dT_{K}, is observed to be relatively flat between 0 and 500 MeV. Its shape is in good agreement with the prediction by the \textsc{genie} neutrino event generator when final-state interactions are included, however the data rate is lower than the prediction by 15\%.
Comment: added ancillary files with cross-section, statistical uncertainty covariance matrix and systematic uncertainty covariance matrix decomposed into flux and non-flux components