
Search for Resonances Decaying to Top and Bottom Quarks with the CDF Experiment
Document Type
Working Paper
CDF CollaborationAaltonen, T.Amerio, S.Amidei, D.Anastassov, A.Annovi, A.Antos, J.Anza', F.Apollinari, G.Appel, J. A.Arisawa, T.Artikov, A.Asaadi, J.Ashmanskas, W.Auerbach, B.Aurisano, A.Azfar, F.Badgett, W.Bae, T.Barbaro-Galtieri, A.Barnes, V. E.Barnett, B. A.Barria, P.Bartos, P.Bauce, M.Bedeschi, F.Behari, S.Bellettini, G.Bellinger, J.Benjamin, D.Beretvas, A.Bhatti, A.Bianchi, L.Bland, K. R.Blumenfeld, B.Bocci, A.Bodek, A.Bortoletto, D.Boudreau, J.Boveia, A.Brigliadori, L.Bromberg, C.Brucken, E.Budagov, J.Budd, H. S.Burkett, K.Busetto, G.Bussey, P.Butti, P.Buzatu, A.Calamba, A.Camarda, S.Campanelli, M.Canelli, F.Carls, B.Carlsmith, D.Carosi, R.Carrillo, S.Casal, B.Casarsa, M.Castro, A.Catastini, P.Cauz, D.Cavaliere, V.Cerri, A.Cerrito, L.Chen, Y. C.Chertok, M.Chiarelli, G.Chlachidze, G.Cho, K.Chokheli, D.Clark, A.Clarke, C.Convery, M. E.Conway, J.Corbo, M.Cordelli, M.Cox, C. A.Cox, D. J.Cremonesi, M.Cruz, D.Cuevas, J.Culbertson, R.d'Ascenzo, N.Datta, M.de Barbaro, P.Demortier, L.Marchese, L.Deninno, M.Devoto, F.D'Errico, M.Di Canto, A.Di Ruzza, B.Dittmann, J. R.D'Onofrio, M.Donati, S.Dorigo, M.Driutti, A.Ebina, K.Edgar, R.Elagin, A.Erbacher, R.Errede, S.Esham, B.Farrington, S.Ramos, J. P. FernándezField, R.Flanagan, G.Forrest, R.Franklin, M.Freeman, J. C.Frisch, H.Funakoshi, Y.Galloni, C.Garfinkel, A. F.Garosi, P.Gerberich, H.Gerchtein, E.Giagu, S.Giakoumopoulou, V.Gibson, K.Ginsburg, C. M.Giokaris, N.Giromini, P.Glagolev, V.Glenzinski, D.Gold, M.Goldin, D.Golossanov, A.Gomez, G.Gomez-Ceballos, G.Goncharov, M.López, O. GonzálezGorelov, I.Goshaw, A. T.Goulianos, K.Gramellini, E.Grosso-Pilcher, C.Group, R. C.da Costa, J. GuimaraesHahn, S. R.Han, J. Y.Happacher, F.Hara, K.Hare, M.Harr, R. F.Harrington-Taber, T.Hatakeyama, K.Hays, C.Heinrich, J.Herndon, M.Hocker, A.Hong, Z.Hopkins, W.Hou, S.Hughes, R. E.Husemann, U.Hussein, M.Huston, J.Introzzi, G.Iori, M.Ivanov, A.James, E.Jang, D.Jayatilaka, B.Jeon, E. J.Jindariani, S.Jones, M.Joo, K. K.Jun, S. Y.Junk, T. R.Kambeitz, M.Kamon, T.Karchin, P. E.Kasmi, A.Kato, Y.Ketchum, W.Keung, J.Kilminster, B.Kim, D. H.Kim, H. S.Kim, J. E.Kim, M. J.Kim, S. B.Kim, S. H.Kim, Y. K.Kim, Y. J.Kimura, N.Kirby, M.Knoepfel, K.Kondo, K.Kong, D. J.Konigsberg, J.Kotwal, A. V.Kreps, M.Kroll, J.Kruse, M.Kuhr, T.Kurata, M.Laasanen, A. T.Lammel, S.Lancaster, M.Lannon, K.Latino, G.Lee, H. S.Lee, J. S.Leo, S.Leone, S.Lewis, J. D.Limosani, A.Lipeles, E.Lister, A.Liu, H.Liu, Q.Liu, T.Lockwitz, S.Loginov, A.Lucà, A.Lucchesi, D.Lueck, J.Lujan, P.Lukens, P.Lungu, G.Lys, J.Lysak, R.Madrak, R.Maestro, P.Malik, S.Manca, G.Manousakis-Katsikakis, A.Margaroli, F.Marino, P.Matera, K.Mattson, M. E.Mazzacane, A.Mazzanti, P.McNulty, R.Mehta, A.Mehtala, P.Mesropian, C.Miao, T.Mietlicki, D.Mitra, A.Miyake, H.Moed, S.Moggi, N.Moon, C. S.Moore, R.Morello, M. J.Mukherjee, A.Muller, Th.Murat, P.Mussini, M.Nachtman, J.Nagai, Y.Naganoma, J.Nakano, I.Napier, A.Nett, J.Neu, C.Nigmanov, T.Nodulman, L.Noh, S. Y.Norniella, O.Oakes, L.Oh, S. H.Oh, Y. D.Oksuzian, I.Okusawa, T.Orava, R.Ortolan, L.Pagliarone, C.Palencia, E.Palni, P.Papadimitriou, V.Parker, W.Pauletta, G.Paulini, M.Paus, C.Phillips, T. J.Piacentino, G.Pianori, E.Pilot, J.Pitts, K.Plager, C.Pondrom, L.Poprocki, S.Potamianos, K.Prokoshin, F.Pranko, A.Ptohos, F.Punzi, G.Fernández, I. RedondoRenton, P.Rescigno, M.Rimondi, F.Ristori, L.Robson, A.Rodriguez, T.Rolli, S.Ronzani, M.Roser, R.Rosner, J. L.Ruffini, F.Ruiz, A.Russ, J.Rusu, V.Sakumoto, W. K.Sakurai, Y.Santi, L.Sato, K.Saveliev, V.Savoy-Navarro, A.Schlabach, P.Schmidt, E. E.Schwarz, T.Scodellaro, L.Scuri, F.Seidel, S.Seiya, Y.Semenov, A.Sforza, F.Shalhout, S. Z.Shears, T.Shepard, P. F.Shimojima, M.Shochet, M.Shreyber-Tecker, I.Simonenko, A.Sliwa, K.Smith, J. R.Snider, F. D.Sorin, V.Song, H.Stancari, M.Denis, R. St.Stentz, D.Strologas, J.Sudo, Y.Sukhanov, A.Suslov, I.Takemasa, K.Takeuchi, Y.Tang, J.Tecchio, M.Teng, P. K.Thom, J.Thomson, E.Thukral, V.Toback, D.Tokar, S.Tollefson, K.Tomura, T.Tonelli, D.Torre, S.Torretta, D.Totaro, P.Trovato, M.Ukegawa, F.Uozumi, S.Vázquez, F.Velev, G.Vellidis, C.Vernieri, C.Vidal, M.Vilar, R.Vizán, J.Vogel, M.Volpi, G.Wagner, P.Wallny, R.Wang, S. M.Waters, D.Wester III, W. C.Whiteson, D.Wicklund, A. B.Wilbur, S.Williams, H. H.Wilson, J. S.Wilson, P.Winer, B. L.Wittich, P.Wolbers, S.Wolfe, H.Wright, T.Wu, X.Wu, Z.Yamamoto, K.Yamato, D.Yang, T.Yang, U. K.Yang, Y. C.Yao, W. -M.Yeh, G. P.Yi, K.Yoh, J.Yorita, K.Yoshida, T.Yu, G. B.Yu, I.Zanetti, A. M.Zeng, Y.Zhou, C.Zucchelli, S.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 061801 (2015)
High Energy Physics - Experiment
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
We report on a search for charged massive resonances decaying to top ($t$) and bottom ($b$) quarks in the full data set of proton-antiproton collisions at center-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s} = 1.96$ TeV collected by the CDF~II detector at the Tevatron, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 9.5 $fb^{-1}$. No significant excess above the standard model (SM) background prediction is observed. We set 95% Bayesian credibility mass-dependent upper limits on the heavy charged particle production cross section times branching ratio to $t b$. Using a SM extension with a $W^{\prime}$ and left-right-symmetric couplings as a benchmark model, we constrain the $W^{\prime}$ mass and couplings in the 300 to 900 GeV/$c^2$ range. The limits presented here are the most stringent for a charged resonance with mass in the range 300 -- 600 GeV/$c^2$ decaying to top and bottom quarks.
Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett