
Single point Seshadri constants on rational surfaces
Document Type
Working Paper
Mathematics - Algebraic Geometry
14C20, 14J26, 14H50
Motivated by a similar result of Dumnicki, K\"uronya, Maclean and Szemberg under a slightly stronger hypothesis, we exhibit irrational single-point Seshadri constants on a rational surface $X$ obtained by blowing up very general points of $\mathbb{P}^2_\mathbb{C}$, assuming only that all prime divisors on $X$ of negative self-intersection are smooth rational curves $C$ with $C^2=-1$. (This assumption is a consequence of the SHGH Conjecture, but it is weaker than assuming the full conjecture.)
Comment: 5 pages; minor changes since the original submission (additional references, slightly re-written introduction and proofs); to appear in J. Algebra