
The Structure of IR Luminous Galaxies at 100 Microns
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophys.J.Suppl. 131 (2000) 413-440
We have observed twenty two galaxies at 100 microns with the Kuiper Airborne Observatory in order to determine the size of their FIR emitting regions. Most of these galaxies are luminous far-infrared sources, with L_FIR > 10^11 L_sun. This data constitutes the highest spatial resolution ever achieved on luminous galaxies in the far infrared. Our data includes direct measurements of the spatial structure of the sources, in which we look for departures from point source profiles. Additionally, comparison of our small beam 100 micron fluxes with the large beam IRAS fluxes shows how much flux falls beyond our detectors but within the IRAS beam. Several sources with point- like cores show evidence for such a net flux deficit. We clearly resolved six of these galaxies at 100 microns and have some evidence for extension in seven others. Those galaxies which we have resolved can have little of their 100 micron flux directly emitted by a point-like active galactic nucleus (AGN). Dust heated to ~40 K by recent bursts of non-nuclear star formation provides the best explanation for their extreme FIR luminosity. In a few cases, heating of an extended region by a compact central source is also a plausible option. Assuming the FIR emission we see is from dust, we also use the sizes we derive to find the dust temperatures and optical depths at 100 microns which we translate into an effective visual extinction through the galaxy. Our work shows that studies of the far infrared structure of luminous infrared galaxies is clearly within the capabilities of new generation far infrared instrumentation, such as SOFIA and SIRTF.
Comment: 8 tables, 23 figures