
Cosmology with dropout selection: Straw-man surveys and CMB lensing
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
We seek to prove the means, motive and opportunity of 2 < z < 5 dropout galaxies for large-scale structure. Together with low-z tracers, these samples would map practically every linear mode and facilitate a tomographic decomposition of the CMB lensing kernel over an unprecedented volume, thereby yielding a proxy for (the time evolution of) matter density fluctuations that provides compelling tests of horizon-scale General Relativity, neutrino masses and Inflation-- viz., curvature, running of the spectral index and a scale-dependent halo bias induced by (local) primordial non-Gaussianity. Focusing on color-color selection, we estimate the completeness, contamination, and spectroscopic survey speed of tailored Lyman-break galaxy (LBG) samples. We forecast the potential of CMB lensing cross-correlation, clustering redshifts and Redshift-Space Distortions (RSD) analyses. In particular, we estimate: the depth dependence of interlopers based on CFHTLS data and propagate this to biases in cosmology; new inferences of (non-linear) halo bias at these redshifts and depths using legacy data; detailed forecasts of LBG spectra as would be observed by DESI, PFS, and their successors. We further assess the relative competitiveness of potential spectroscopic facilities based on an intuitive figure-of-merit and define a modernisation of traditional selections to the photometric system of LSST where necessary. We confirm these science cases to be compelling for achievable facilities in the next decade by defining a LBG sample of increasing Lyman-alpha equivalent width with redshift, which delivers both percent-level RSD constraints on the growth rate at high-z and measurements of CMB lensing cross-correlation at z=3 and 4 with a significance measured in the hundreds. Finally, we discuss the limitations and avenues for improvement beyond this initial exploration (abridged).
Comment: 59 pages, comments welcome