
Orbital migration and circularization of tidal debris by Alfv\'en-wave drag: circumstellar debris and pollution around white dwarfs
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Earth and Planetary Astrophysics
Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
A significant fraction of white dwarfs (WDs) exhibit signs of ongoing accretion of refractory elements at rates $\sim10^3$--$10^7$ kg s$^{-1}$, among which, 37 WDs were detected to harbor dusty debris disks. Such a concurrence requires not only fertile reservoirs of planetary material, but also a high duty cycle of metal delivery. It has been commonly suggested that this material could be supplied by Solar System analogs of Main Belt asteroids or Kuiper Belt objects. Here we consider the primary progenitors of WD pollutants as a population of residual high-eccentricity planetesimals, de-volatilized during the stellar giant phases. Equivalent to the Solar System's long-period comets, they are scattered to the proximity of WDs by perturbations from remaining planets, Galactic tides, passing molecular clouds, and nearby stars. These objects undergo downsizing when they venture within the tidal disruption limit. We show quantitatively how the breakup condition and fragment sizes are determined by material strength and gravity. Thereafter, the fragments' semi-major axes need to decay by at least $\sim$6 orders of magnitude before their constituents are eventually accreted onto the surface of WDs. We investigate the orbital evolution of these fragments around WDs and show that WDs' magnetic fields induce an Alfv\'en-wave drag during their periastron passages and rapidly circularize their orbits. This process could be responsible for the observed accretion rates of heavy-elements and the generation of circum-WD debris disks. A speculative implication is that giant planets may be common around WDs' progenitors and they may still be bound to some WDs today.
Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 16 pages, 4 figures and 1 table