
Signature of Quantum Criticality in the Density Profiles of Cold Atom Systems
Document Type
Working Paper
Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 245702 (2010)
Condensed Matter - Quantum Gases
In recent years, there is considerable experimental effort using cold atoms to study strongly correlated many-body systems. One class of phenomena of particularly interests is quantum critical (QC) phenomena. While prevalent in many materials, these phenomena are notoriously difficult theoretical problems due to the vanishing of energy scales in QC region. So far, there are no systematic ways to deduce QC behavior of bulk systems from the data of trapped atomic gases. Here, we present a simple algorithm to use the experimental density profile to determine the T=0 phase boundary of bulk systems, as well as the scaling functions in QC regime. We also present another scheme for removing finite size effects of the trap. We demonstrate the validity of our schemes using exactly soluble models.
Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures