
Accelerating Amoebots via Reconfigurable Circuits
Document Type
Working Paper
Computer Science - Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing
We consider an extension to the geometric amoebot model that allows amoebots to form so-called \emph{circuits}. Given a connected amoebot structure, a circuit is a subgraph formed by the amoebots that permits the instant transmission of signals. We show that such an extension allows for significantly faster solutions to a variety of problems related to programmable matter. More specifically, we provide algorithms for leader election, consensus, compass alignment, chirality agreement and shape recognition. Leader election can be solved in $\Theta(\log n)$ rounds, w.h.p., consensus in $O(1)$ rounds and both, compass alignment and chirality agreement, can be solved in $O(\log n)$ rounds, w.h.p. For shape recognition, the amoebots have to decide whether the amoebot structure forms a particular shape. We show how the amoebots can detect a parallelogram with linear and polynomial side ratio within $\Theta(\log{n})$ rounds, w.h.p. Finally, we show that the amoebots can detect a shape composed of triangles within $O(1)$ rounds, w.h.p.