
Shiva and Kali diagrams for composite quantum particle many-body effects
Document Type
Working Paper
Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
For half a century, Feynman diagrams have provided an enlightening way of representing many-body effects between elementary fermions and bosons. They however are quite inappropriate to visualize fermion exchanges taking place between a large number of composite quantum particles. We propose to replace them by "Shiva diagrams" for cobosons made of two fermions and by Shiva-like and "Kali diagrams" for cofermions made of three fermions. We also show how these fermion exchanges formally appear in a many-body theory appropriate to composite quantum particles. This theory relies on an operator algebra based on commutators and anticommutators, the usual scalar algebra based on Green functions being valid for elementary bosons or fermions having strict commutation relations, only.