
The GAPS Programme with HARPS-N at TNG. XXXV. Fundamental properties of transiting exoplanet host stars
Document Type
Working Paper
A&A 664, A161 (2022)
Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
Astrophysics - Earth and Planetary Astrophysics
Exoplanetary properties depend on stellar properties: to know the planet with accuracy and precision it is necessary to know the star as accurately and precisely as possible. Our immediate aim is to characterize in a homogeneous and accurate way a sample of 27 transiting planet-hosting stars observed within the GAPS program. We determined stellar parameters (effective temperature, surface gravity, rotational velocity) and abundances of 26 elements (Li,C,N,O,Na,Mg,Al,Si,S,Ca,Sc,Ti,V,Cr,Fe,Mn,Co,Ni,Cu,Zn,Y,Zr,Ba,La,Nd,Eu). Our study is based on high-resolution HARPS-N@TNG and FEROS@ESO spectra and uniform techniques. We derived kinematic properties from Gaia data and estimated for the first time in exoplanet host stars ages using elemental ratios as chemical clocks. Teff of our stars is of 4400-6700 K, while [Fe/H] is within -0.3 and 0.4 dex. Lithium is present in 7 stars. [X/H] and [X/Fe] abundances vs [Fe/H] are consistent with the Galactic Chemical Evolution. The dependence of [X/Fe] with the condensation temperature is critically analyzed with respect to stellar and kinematic properties. All targets with measured C and O abundances show C/O<0.8, compatible with Si present in rock-forming minerals. Most of targets show 1.0Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 31 pages, 19 figures, 10 tables. Abstract shortened