
Optimal subgradient algorithms with application to large-scale linear inverse problems
Document Type
Working Paper
Mathematics - Optimization and Control
90C25, 90C60, 49M37, 65K05
This study addresses some algorithms for solving structured unconstrained convex optimiza- tion problems using first-order information where the underlying function includes high-dimensional data. The primary aim is to develop an implementable algorithmic framework for solving problems with multi- term composite objective functions involving linear mappings using the optimal subgradient algorithm, OSGA, proposed by Neumaier in [49]. To this end, we propose some prox-functions for which the cor- responding subproblem of OSGA is solved in a closed form. Considering various inverse problems arising in signal and image processing, machine learning, statistics, we report extensive numerical and compar- isons with several state-of-the-art solvers proposing favourably performance of our algorithm. We also compare with the most widely used optimal first-order methods for some smooth and nonsmooth con- vex problems. Surprisingly, when some Nesterov-type optimal methods originally proposed for smooth problems are adapted for solving nonsmooth problems by simply passing a subgradient instead of the gradient, the results of these subgradient-based algorithms are competitive and totally interesting for solving nonsmooth problems. Finally, the OSGA software package is available.