
Spectra of electronic excitations in graphene near Coulomb impurities
Document Type
Working Paper
JETP Vol. 157 (5) (2020)
Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
Mathematical Physics
We study the problem of the electron excitation spectrum in the presence of point-like and regularized Coulomb impurities in gapped graphene. To this end, we use the Dirac model and in the point-like case theory of self-adjoint extensions of symmetric operators. In the point-like case, we construct a family of self-adjoint Hamiltonians describing the excitations for any charge of an impurity. Spectra and (generalized) eigenfunctions for all such Hamiltonians are found. Then, we consider the spectral problem in the case of a regularized Coulomb potential of impurities for a special regularization. We study exact equations for charges of impurities that may generate bound states with energy that coincides with the upper boundary of the negative branch of the continuous spectrum (supercritical charges) and calculate these charges.
Comment: 43 pages, 9 figures