
High-precision chemical quantum sensing in flowing monodisperse microdroplets
Document Type
Working Paper
Quantum Physics
Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
Physics - Applied Physics
Quantitative Biology - Quantitative Methods
We report on a novel flow-based method for high-precision chemical detection that integrates quantum sensing with droplet microfluidics. We deploy nanodiamond particles hosting fluorescent nitrogen vacancy defects as quantum sensors in flowing, monodisperse, picoliter-volume microdroplets containing analyte molecules. ND motion within these microcompartments facilitates close sensor-analyte interaction and mitigates particle heterogeneity. Microdroplet flow rates are rapid (upto 4cm/s) and with minimal drift. Pairing this controlled flow with microwave control of NV electronic spins, we introduce a new noise-suppressed mode of Optically Detected Magnetic Resonance that is sensitive to chemical analytes while resilient against experimental variations, achieving detection of analyte-induced signals at an unprecedented level of a few hundredths of a percent of the ND fluorescence. We demonstrate its application to detecting paramagnetic ions in droplets with simultaneously low limit-of-detection and low analyte volumes, in a manner significantly better than existing technologies. This is combined with exceptional measurement stability over >103s and across hundreds of thousands of droplets, while utilizing minimal sensor volumes and incurring low ND costs (<$0.70 for an hour of operation). Additionally, we demonstrate using these droplets as micro-confinement chambers by co-encapsulating ND quantum sensors with analytes, including single cells. This versatility suggests wide-ranging applications, like single-cell metabolomics and real-time intracellular measurements in bioreactors. Our work paves the way for portable, high-sensitivity, amplification-free, chemical assays with high throughput; introduces a new chemical imaging tool for probing chemical reactions in microenvironments; and establishes the foundation for developing movable, arrayed quantum sensors through droplet microfluidics.