
Giant magneto-optical Kerr enhancement from films on SiC due to the optical properties of the substrate
Document Type
Working Paper
Condensed Matter - Materials Science
We report a giant enhancement of the mid-infrared (MIR) magneto-optical complex Kerr angle (polarization change of reflected light) in a variety of materials grown on SiC. In epitaxially-grown multilayer graphene, the Kerr angle is enhanced by a factor of 68, which is in good agreement with Kerr signal modeling. Strong Kerr enhancement is also observed in Fe films grown on SiC and Al-doped bulk SiC. Our experiments and modelling indicate that the enhancement occurs at the high-energy edge of the SiC reststrahlen band where the real component of the complex refractive index n passes through unity. Furthermore, since the signal is greatly enhanced when n=1, the enhancement is predicted to exist over the entire visible/infrared (IR) spectrum for a free-standing film. We also predict similar giant enhancement in both Faraday (transmission) and Kerr rotation for thin films on a metamaterial substrate with refractive index n=-1. This work demonstrates that the substrate used in MOKE measurements must be carefully chosen when investigating magneto-optical materials with weak MOKE signals or when designing MOKE-based optoelectronic devices.
Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures