
Proceedings of The Magnificent CE$\nu$NS Workshop 2018
Document Type
Working Paper
High Energy Physics - Experiment
Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
Nuclear Experiment
Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors
The Magnificent CE$\nu$NS Workshop (2018) was held November 2 & 3 of 2018 on the University of Chicago campus and brought together theorists, phenomenologists, and experimentalists working in numerous areas but sharing a common interest in the process of coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CE$\nu$NS). This is a collection of abstract-like summaries of the talks given at the meeting, including links to the slides presented. This document and the slides from the meeting provide an overview of the field and a snapshot of the robust CE$\nu$NS-related efforts both planned and underway.
Comment: The Magnificent CEvNS Workshop (2018), Nov 2-3, 2018; Chicago, IL, USA; 44 contributions