
Updated Cross Section Measurement of $e^+ e^- \to K^+ K^- J/\psi$ and $K_S^0K_S^0J/\psi$ via Initial State Radiation at Belle
Document Type
Working Paper
Belle CollaborationShen, C. P.Yuan, C. Z.Wang, P.Abdesselam, A.Adachi, I.Aihara, H.Said, S. AlAsner, D. M.Aulchenko, V.Aushev, T.Ayad, R.Bakich, A. M.Bala, A.Bobrov, A.Bonvicini, G.Bozek, A.Bračko, M.Browder, T. E.Chekelian, V.Chen, A.Cheon, B. G.Chilikin, K.Chistov, R.Cho, K.Chobanova, V.Choi, S. -K.Choi, Y.Cinabro, D.Dalseno, J.Danilov, M.Doležal, Z.Drutskoy, A.Dutta, D.Eidelman, S.Epifanov, D.Farhat, H.Fast, J. E.Ferber, T.Frey, A.Gaur, V.Ganguly, S.Gillard, R.Glattauer, R.Goh, Y. M.Golob, B.Haba, J.Hayasaka, K.Hayashii, H.He, X. H.Hoshi, Y.Hou, W. -S.Hsiung, Y. B.Hyun, H. J.Iijima, T.Ishikawa, A.Itoh, R.Iwasaki, Y.Joffe, D.Julius, T.Kang, J. H.Kato, E.Kawasaki, T.Kiesling, C.Kim, D. Y.Kim, H. J.Kim, J. B.Kim, J. H.Kim, K. T.Kim, M. J.Kim, Y. J.Kinoshita, K.Ko, B. R.Kodyš, P.Korpar, S.Križan, P.Krokovny, P.Kuzmin, A.Kwon, Y. -J.Lee, S. -H.Li, J.Gioi, L. LiLibby, J.Liu, C.Liu, Z. Q.Lukin, P.Matvienko, D.Miyabayashi, K.Miyata, H.Mizuk, R.Moll, A.Mussa, R.Nagasaka, Y.Nakano, E.Nakao, M.Natkaniec, Z.Nayak, M.Nedelkovska, E.Nisar, N. K.Nishida, S.Nitoh, O.Okuno, S.Park, C. W.Park, H.Pedlar, T. K.Pestotnik, R.Petrič, M.Piilonen, L. E.Ritter, M.Röhrken, M.Rostomyan, A.Ryu, S.Saito, T.Sakai, Y.Sanuki, T.Sato, Y.Schneider, O.Schnell, G.Semmler, D.Senyo, K.Seon, O.Sevior, M. E.Shapkin, M.Shebalin, V.Shibata, T. -A.Shiu, J. -G.Shwartz, B.Sibidanov, A.Simon, F.Sohn, Y. -S.Sokolov, A.Solovieva, E.Stanič, S.Starič, M.Steder, M.Sumiyoshi, T.Tamponi, U.Tatishvili, G.Teramoto, Y.Uchida, M.Unno, Y.Uno, S.Urquijo, P.Usov, Y.Van Hulse, C.Vanhoefer, P.Varner, G.Vorobyev, V.Wagner, M. N.Wang, C. H.Watanabe, M.Watanabe, Y.Williams, K. M.Won, E.Yamamoto, H.Yamashita, Y.Yashchenko, S.Yook, Y.Zhang, C. C.Zhang, Z. P.Zhulanov, V.Zupanc, A.
Phys. Rev. D 89, 072015 (2014)
High Energy Physics - Experiment
The cross sections of the processes $e^+ e^- \to K^+ K^- J/\psi$ and $K_S^0K_S^0J/\psi$ are measured via initial state radiation at center-of-mass energies between the threshold and 6.0~GeV using a data sample of 980~fb$^{-1}$ collected with the Belle detector on or near the $\Upsilon(nS)$ resonances, where $n=$1, 2, ..., 5. The cross sections for $e^+ e^- \to K^+ K^- J/\psi$ are at a few pb level and the average cross section for $e^+ e^- \to K_S^0K_S^0J/\psi$ is $1.8\pm 0.6 (\rm stat.)\pm 0.3 (\rm syst.)$~pb between 4.4 and 5.2~GeV. All of them are consistent with previously published results with improved precision. A search for resonant structures and associated intermediate states in the cross section of the process $e^+ e^- \to K^+ K^- J/\psi$ is performed.
Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures