
Unitary Representations of Wavelet Groups and Encoding of Iterated Function Systems in Solenoids
Document Type
Working Paper
Mathematics - Number Theory
Mathematics - Functional Analysis
42C40, 11A63, 11K70, 47B39, 68P30, 28A35, 37F40, 52C22
For points in $d$ real dimensions, we introduce a geometry for general digit sets. We introduce a positional number system where the basis for our representation is a fixed $d$ by $d$ matrix over $\bz$. Our starting point is a given pair $(A, \mathcal D)$ with the matrix $A$ assumed expansive, and $\mathcal D$ a chosen complete digit set, i.e., in bijective correspondence with the points in $\bz^d/A^T\bz^d$. We give an explicit geometric representation and encoding with infinite words in letters from $\mathcal D$. We show that the attractor $X(A^T,\mathcal D)$ for an affine Iterated Function System (IFS) based on $(A,\mathcal D)$ is a set of fractions for our digital representation of points in $\br^d$. Moreover our positional "number representation" is spelled out in the form of an explicit IFS-encoding of a compact solenoid $\sa$ associated with the pair $(A,\mathcal D)$. The intricate part (Theorem \ref{thenccycl}) is played by the cycles in $\bz^d$ for the initial $(A,\mathcal D)$-IFS. Using these cycles we are able to write down formulas for the two maps which do the encoding as well as the decoding in our positional $\mathcal D$-representation. We show how some wavelet representations can be realized on the solenoid, and on symbolic spaces.