
Emergence of purely nonlinear localized states with frequencies exited from spectral bands
Document Type
Working Paper
Nonlinear Sciences - Pattern Formation and Solitons
In this work, we revisit the classic model of diatomic chain with cubic nonlinearity and investigate the formation mechanism of nonlinear localized time-periodic solutions (breathers) with frequencies exited the spectral bands. First we employ the long-chain limit to obtain estimates of linear eigenstates, especially those with frequencies near the band edges. As the strength of nonlinearity grows, some frequencies can cross the band edges to turn isolated while the corresponding states gradually change from non-localized to localized. Based on the estimates of linear eigenstates, we derive analytical approximations of these nonlinear states and prove their validity for frequencies within the bands. Moreover, the process of states growing localized are illustrated in both analytical and numerical approaches. Although here we place emphasis on nonlinear middle-localized states with the most generic boundary conditions, the results can also be extended to a wider range of localized states including edge states.