
$(g-2)_{e,\mu}$ anomalies and decays $h\to e_a e_b$, $Z\to e_ae_b$, and $e_b\to e_a \gamma$ in a two Higgs doublet model with inverse seesaw neutrinos
Document Type
Working Paper
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
The lepton flavor violating decays $h\to e_b^\pm e_a^\mp $, $Z\to e_b^\pm e_a^\mp$, and $e_b\to e_a \gamma$ will be discussed in the framework of the Two Higgs doublet model with presence of new inverse seesaw neutrinos and a singly charged Higgs boson that accommodate both $1\sigma$ experimental data of $(g-2)$ anomalies of the muon and electron. Numerical results indicate that there exist regions of the parameter space supporting all experimental data of $(g-2)_{e,\mu}$ as well as the promising LFV signals corresponding to the future experimental sensitivities.
Comment: Version accepted for publication in EPJC