
The Tokyo Axion Helioscope
Document Type
Working Paper
Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A (2012) pp. 73-78
Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics
The Tokyo Axion Helioscope experiment aims to detect axions which are produced in the solar core. The helioscope uses a strong magnetic field in order to convert axions into X-ray photons and has a mounting to follow the sun very accurately. The photons are detected by an X-ray detector which is made of 16 PIN-photodiodes. In addition, a gas container and a gas regulation system is adopted for recovering the coherence between axions and photons in the conversion region giving sensitivity to axions with masses up to 2 eV. In this paper, we report on the technical detail of the Tokyo Axion Helioscope.