
On Correcting SHAP Scores
Document Type
Working Paper
Computer Science - Machine Learning
Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence
Recent work uncovered examples of classifiers for which SHAP scores yield misleading feature attributions. While such examples might be perceived as suggesting the inadequacy of Shapley values for explainability, this paper shows that the source of the identified shortcomings of SHAP scores resides elsewhere. Concretely, the paper makes the case that the failings of SHAP scores result from the characteristic functions used in earlier works. Furthermore, the paper identifies a number of properties that characteristic functions ought to respect, and proposes several novel characteristic functions, each exhibiting one or more of the desired properties. More importantly, some of the characteristic functions proposed in this paper are guaranteed not to exhibit any of the shortcomings uncovered by earlier work. The paper also investigates the impact of the new characteristic functions on the complexity of computing SHAP scores. Finally, the paper proposes modifications to the tool SHAP to use instead one of our novel characteristic functions, thereby eliminating some of the limitations reported for SHAP scores.