
DyFFPAD: Dynamic Fusion of Convolutional and Handcrafted Features for Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection
Document Type
Working Paper
Computer Science - Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Automatic fingerprint recognition systems suffer from the threat of presentation attacks due to their wide range of applications in areas including national borders and commercial applications. Presentation attacks can be performed by fabricating the fake fingerprint of a user with or without the intention of the subject. This paper presents a dynamic ensemble of deep learning and handcrafted features to detect presentation attacks in known-material and unknown-material protocols. The proposed model is a dynamic ensemble of deep CNN and handcrafted features empowered deep neural networks both of which learn their parameters together. The proposed presentation attack detection model, in this way, utilizes the capabilities of both classification techniques and exhibits better performance than their individual results. The proposed model's performance is validated using benchmark LivDet 2015, 2017, and 2019 databases, with an overall accuracy of 96.10\%, 96.49\%, and 95.99\% attained on them, respectively. The proposed model outperforms state-of-the-art methods in benchmark protocols of presentation attack detection in terms of classification accuracy.
Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2305.09397