
A possible relation between global CO excitation and massive molecular outflows in local ULIRGs
Document Type
Working Paper
A&A 686, A47 (2024)
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
Local ULIRGs host ubiquitous molecular outflows, including the most massive and powerful ever detected. These sources have also exceptionally excited global, galaxy-integrated CO ladders. A connection between outflows and molecular gas excitation has however never been established, since previous multi-J CO surveys were limited in spectral resolution and sensitivity and so could only probe the global molecular gas conditions. We address this question using new, ground-based, sensitive heterodyne spectroscopy of multiple CO rotational lines (up to CO(7-6)) in a sample of 17 local ULIRGs. We used the APEX telescope to survey the CO($J_{up}\geq4$) lines at a high signal-to-noise ratio, and complemented these data with CO($J_{up}\leq3$) observations presented in Montoya Arroyave et al. (2023). We detected 74 (out of 75) CO lines, with up to six transitions per source. Some CO SLEDs peak at $J_{up}\sim3,4$, which we classify as 'lower excitation', while others plateau or keep increasing up to the highest-J CO transition probed, and we classify these as 'higher excitation'. Our analysis includes the results of CO SLED fits performed with a single large velocity gradient component, but our main focus is the investigation of possible links between global CO excitation and the presence of broad and/or high-velocity CO spectral components that can contain outflowing gas. We discovered an increasing trend of line width as a function of $J_{up}$ of the CO transition, which is significant at the $4\sigma$ level and appears to be driven by the eight sources classified as 'higher excitation'. For such ULIRGs we found that the CO ladders are more excited for spectral components characterised by higher velocities and/or velocity dispersion. We favour an interpretation whereby the highly excited CO-emitting gas in ULIRGs resides in galactic-scale massive molecular outflows.
Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 34 pages, 23 figures. Abstract significantly abridged for arXiv submission