
Lifetimes of excited states in Rh-
Document Type
Working Paper
Physics - Atomic Physics
The radiative decay of excited states of the negative ion of rhodium, Rh$^-$, has been investigated experimentally and theoretically. The experiments were conducted at the Double ElectroStatic Ion Ring Experiment (DESIREE) facility at Stockholm University using selective photodetachment from a stored ion beam to monitor the time evolution of the excited state populations. The lifetimes of the Rh$^-$ $^3F_{3}$ and $^3F_{2}$ fine structure levels were measured to be 3.2(6)~s and 21(4)~s, respectively. An additional, previously unreported, higher-lying bound state of mixed $^1D_2+^3P_2+(4d^95s)^1D_2+^3F_2$ composition was observed and found to have a lifetime of 10.9(8)s. The binding energy of this state was determined to be in the interval $0.1584(2) $ eV $ < E_b < 0.2669(2)$ eV, using laser photodetachment threshold (LPT) spectroscopy. An autodetaching state with a lifetime of 480(10) microseconds was also observed. Theoretical calculations of the excited-state compositions, energies, and magnetic-dipole transition lifetimes were performed using the multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock and relativistic configuration interaction methods. The calculated lifetimes of the $^3F_{3}$ and $^3F_{2}$ fine structure levels are in excellent agreement with the measured values. The present study should provide valuable insights into electron correlation effects in negative ions and forbidden radiative transitions.