
Loading a quantum gas from a hybrid dimple trap to a shell trap
Document Type
Working Paper
Journal of Applied Physics, 2022, 132, pp.214401
Condensed Matter - Quantum Gases
Starting from a degenerate Bose gas in a hybrid trap combining a magnetic quadrupole trap and an attractive optical trap resulting from a focused laser beam, we demonstrate the efficient loading of this quantum gas into a shell-shaped trap. The shell trap is purely magnetic and relies on adiabatic potentials for atoms in an inhomogeneous magnetic field dressed by a radiofrequency (rf) field. We show that direct rf evaporation in the hybrid trap enables an efficient and simple preparation of the cold sample, well adapted to the subsequent loading procedure. The transfer into the shell trap is adiabatic and limits the final excitation of the center-of-mass motion to below 2 micrometres.
Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, published in Journal of Applied Physics. Dedicated to the memory of Claudine Hermann