
No redshift evolution in the rest-frame UV emission line properties of quasars from z=1.5 to z=4.0
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
We analyse the rest-frame UV spectra of 2,531 high-redshift (3.53.5 using a cross-correlation algorithm that employs high signal-to-noise template spectra spanning the full range in UV emission line properties. We then quantify the evolution of C IV and He II emission line properties with redshift. The increase in C IV blueshifts with cosmological redshift can be fully explained by the higher luminosities of quasars observed at high redshifts. We recover broadly similar trends between the He II EW and C IV blueshift at both 1.5 0.2 and Mbh > 10^9 Mo for the entire 1.56 are on average less massive and have higher Eddington-scaled accretion rates than their luminosity-matched counterparts at 1.5Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, July 5th 2023. Supplementary material will be available online through the journal