
On theorems of Brauer-Nesbitt and Brandt for characterizations of small block algebras
Document Type
Working Paper
Archiv der Mathematik 113 (2019) 1-10
Mathematics - Representation Theory
Mathematics - Group Theory
Mathematics - Rings and Algebras
16G10 (Primary) 16P10, 16E40, 20C20 (Secondary)
In 1941, Brauer-Nesbitt established a characterization of a block with trivial defect group as a block $B$ with $k(B) = 1$ where $k(B)$ is the number of irreducible ordinary characters of $B$. In 1982, Brandt established a characterization of a block with defect group of order two as a block $B$ with $k(B) = 2$. These correspond to the cases when the block is Morita equivalent to the one-dimensional algebra and to the non-semisimple two-dimensional algebra, respectively. In this paper, we redefine $k(A)$ to be the codimension of the commutator subspace $K(A)$ of a finite-dimensional algebra $A$ and prove analogous statements for arbitrary (not necessarily symmetric) finite-dimensional algebras. This is achieved by extending the Okuyama refinement of the Brandt result to this setting. To this end, we study the codimension of the sum of the commutator subspace $K(A)$ and $n$th Jacobson radical $\operatorname{Rad}^n(A)$. We prove that this is Morita invariant and give an upper bound for the codimension as well.
Comment: 9 pages