
Enhanced widefield quantum sensing with nitrogen-vacancy ensembles using diamond nanopillar arrays
Document Type
Working Paper
Physics - Optics
Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
Condensed Matter - Materials Science
Quantum sensors based on optically active defects in diamond such as the nitrogen vacancy (NV) centre represent a promising platform for nanoscale sensing and imaging of magnetic, electric, temperature and strain fields. Enhancing the optical interface to such defects is key to improving the measurement sensitivity of these systems. Photonic nanostructures are often employed in the single emitter regime for this purpose, but their applicability to widefield sensing with NV ensembles remains largely unexplored. Here we fabricate and characterize closely-packed arrays of diamond nanopillars, each hosting its own dense, near-surface ensemble of NV centres. We explore the optimal geometry for diamond nanopillars hosting NV ensembles and realise enhanced spin and photoluminescence properties which lead to increased measurement sensitivities (greater than a factor of 3) when compared to unpatterned surfaces. Utilising the increased measurement sensitivity, we image the mechanical stress tensor in each nanopillar across the arrays and show the fabrication process has negligible impact on in-built stress compared to the unpatterned surface. Our results demonstrate that photonic nanostructuring of the diamond surface is a viable strategy for increasing the sensitivity of ensemble-based widefield sensing and imaging.
Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures