
Reducing Rydberg state dc polarizability by microwave dressing
Document Type
Working Paper
Physics - Atomic Physics
Quantum Physics
We demonstrate reduction of the dc polarizability of Cesium atom Rydberg states in a 77 K environment utilizing microwave field dressing. In particular we reduce the polarizability of $52P_{3/2}$ states which have resonances at 5.35 GHz to $51D_{5/2}$, suitable for interfacing Rydberg atoms to superconducting resonators in a cryogenic environment. We measure the polarizability of the Rydberg states using Magneto-Optical-Trap (MOT) loss spectroscopy. Using an off-resonant radio-frequency (RF) dressing field coupling $52P_{3/2}$ and $51D_{5/2}$ we demonstrate a reduction in dc polarizability of the $ 52P_{3/2}$ states over 80$\%$. Experimental findings are in good agreement with a numerical model of the atom-dressing field system developed using the Shirley-Floquet formalism. We also demonstrate that the dc polarizability reduction is highly anisotropic, with near total nulling possible when the dc and dressing fields are aligned, but only a factor of two reduction in polarizability when the fields are orthogonal. These results may aid in stabilizing Rydberg resonances against varying dc fields present near surfaces, enabling advancement in the development of hybrid Rydberg atom - superconducting resonator quantum gates.
Comment: figure labeling corrected, and polarizability values added