
Euclid preparation. LensMC, weak lensing cosmic shear measurement with forward modelling and Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling
Document Type
Working Paper
Euclid CollaborationCongedo, G.Miller, L.Taylor, A. N.Cross, N.Duncan, C. A. J.Kitching, T.Martinet, N.Matthew, S.Schrabback, T.Tewes, M.Welikala, N.Aghanim, N.Amara, A.Andreon, S.Auricchio, N.Baldi, M.Bardelli, S.Bender, R.Bodendorf, C.Bonino, D.Branchini, E.Brescia, M.Brinchmann, J.Camera, S.Capobianco, V.Carbone, C.Cardone, V. F.Carretero, J.Casas, S.Castander, F. J.Castellano, M.Cavuoti, S.Cimatti, A.Conselice, C. J.Conversi, L.Copin, Y.Courbin, F.Courtois, H. M.Cropper, M.Da Silva, A.Degaudenzi, H.Di Giorgio, A. M.Dinis, J.Dubath, F.Dupac, X.Farina, M.Farrens, S.Ferriol, S.Fosalba, P.Frailis, M.Franceschi, E.Galeotta, S.Garilli, B.Gillis, B.Giocoli, C.Grazian, A.Grupp, F.Haugan, S. V. H.Holliman, M. S.Holmes, W.Hormuth, F.Hornstrup, A.Hudelot, P.Jahnke, K.Keihänen, E.Kermiche, S.Kiessling, A.Kilbinger, M.Kubik, B.Kuijken, K.Kümmel, M.Kunz, M.Kurki-Suonio, H.Ligori, S.Lilje, P. B.Lindholm, V.Lloro, I.Maino, D.Maiorano, E.Mansutti, O.Marggraf, O.Markovic, K.Marulli, F.Massey, R.Maurogordato, S.McCracken, H. J.Medinaceli, E.Mei, S.Melchior, M.Meneghetti, M.Merlin, E.Meylan, G.Moresco, M.Morin, B.Moscardini, L.Munari, E.Niemi, S. -M.Nightingale, J. W.Padilla, C.Paltani, S.Pasian, F.Pedersen, K.Percival, W. J.Pettorino, V.Pires, S.Polenta, G.Poncet, M.Popa, L. A.Pozzetti, L.Raison, F.Rebolo, R.Renzi, A.Rhodes, J.Riccio, G.Romelli, E.Roncarelli, M.Rossetti, E.Saglia, R.Sapone, D.Sartoris, B.Schneider, P.Secroun, A.Seidel, G.Serrano, S.Sirignano, C.Sirri, G.Stanco, L.Tallada-Crespí, P.Tavagnacco, D.Tereno, I.Toledo-Moreo, R.Torradeflot, F.Tutusaus, I.Valentijn, E. A.Valenziano, L.Vassallo, T.Veropalumbo, A.Wang, Y.Weller, J.Zamorani, G.Zoubian, J.Zucca, E.Biviano, A.Bolzonella, M.Boucaud, A.Bozzo, E.Burigana, C.Colodro-Conde, C.Di Ferdinando, D.Graciá-Carpio, J.Mauri, N.Neissner, C.Nucita, A. A.Sakr, Z.Scottez, V.Tenti, M.Viel, M.Wiesmann, M.Akrami, Y.Allevato, V.Anselmi, S.Baccigalupi, C.Ballardini, M.Borgani, S.Borlaff, A. S.Bruton, S.Cabanac, R.Cappi, A.Carvalho, C. S.Castignani, G.Castro, T.Cañas-Herrera, G.Chambers, K. C.Cooray, A. R.Coupon, J.Davini, S.De Lucia, G.Desprez, G.Di Domizio, S.Dole, H.Díaz-Sánchez, A.Vigo, J. A. EscartinEscoffier, S.Ferrero, I.Finelli, F.Gabarra, L.García-Bellido, J.Gaztanaga, E.Giacomini, F.Gozaliasl, G.Guinet, D.Hall, A.Hildebrandt, H.Ilić, S.Muñoz, A. JimenezJoudaki, S.Kajava, J. J. E.Kansal, V.Karagiannis, D.Kirkpatrick, C. C.Legrand, L.Macias-Perez, J.Maggio, G.Magliocchetti, M.Maoli, R.Martinelli, M.Martins, C. J. A. P.Maturi, M.Maurin, L.Metcalf, R. B.Migliaccio, M.Monaco, P.Morgante, G.Nadathur, S.Patrizii, L.Peel, A.Pezzotta, A.Popa, V.Porciani, C.Potter, D.Pöntinen, M.Reimberg, P.Rocci, P. -F.Sánchez, A. G.Schewtschenko, J. A.Schneider, A.Sefusatti, E.Sereno, M.Simon, P.Mancini, A. SpurioStadel, J.Steinwagner, J.Testera, G.Teyssier, R.Toft, S.Tosi, S.Troja, A.Tucci, M.Valieri, C.Valiviita, J.Vergani, D.
Astrophysics - Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
Physics - Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability
Statistics - Computation
LensMC is a weak lensing shear measurement method developed for Euclid and Stage-IV surveys. It is based on forward modelling to deal with convolution by a point spread function with comparable size to many galaxies; sampling the posterior distribution of galaxy parameters via Markov Chain Monte Carlo; and marginalisation over nuisance parameters for each of the 1.5 billion galaxies observed by Euclid. The scientific performance is quantified through high-fidelity images based on the Euclid Flagship simulations and emulation of the Euclid VIS images; realistic clustering with a mean surface number density of 250 arcmin$^{-2}$ ($I_{\rm E}<29.5$) for galaxies, and 6 arcmin$^{-2}$ ($I_{\rm E}<26$) for stars; and a diffraction-limited chromatic point spread function with a full width at half maximum of $0.^{\!\prime\prime}2$ and spatial variation across the field of view. Objects are measured with a density of 90 arcmin$^{-2}$ ($I_{\rm E}<26.5$) in 4500 deg$^2$. The total shear bias is broken down into measurement (our main focus here) and selection effects (which will be addressed elsewhere). We find: measurement multiplicative and additive biases of $m_1=(-3.6\pm0.2)\times10^{-3}$, $m_2=(-4.3\pm0.2)\times10^{-3}$, $c_1=(-1.78\pm0.03)\times10^{-4}$, $c_2=(0.09\pm0.03)\times10^{-4}$; a large detection bias with a multiplicative component of $1.2\times10^{-2}$ and an additive component of $-3\times10^{-4}$; and a measurement PSF leakage of $\alpha_1=(-9\pm3)\times10^{-4}$ and $\alpha_2=(2\pm3)\times10^{-4}$. When model bias is suppressed, the obtained measurement biases are close to Euclid requirement and largely dominated by undetected faint galaxies ($-5\times10^{-3}$). Although significant, model bias will be straightforward to calibrate given the weak sensitivity. LensMC is publicly available at https://gitlab.com/gcongedo/LensMC
Comment: 29 pages, 18 figures, 2 tables