
P-term, D-term and F-term inflation
Document Type
Working Paper
JCAP 0310:008,2003
High Energy Physics - Theory
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
P-term inflation is a version of hybrid inflation which naturally appears in some brane inflation models. It was introduced in the framework of N=2 supersymmetric gauge theory where superconformal SU(2,2|2) symmetry is broken down to N=2 supersymmetry by the vev of the auxiliary triplet field P. Depending on the direction of this vev, one can get either D-term inflation or F-term inflation with a particular relation between Yukawa and gauge coupling, or a mix of these models. We show that F and D models, before coupling to gravity is included, are related by a change of variables. Coupling of this model to N=1 supergravity breaks this symmetry and introduces a class of P-term models interpolating between D-term and F-term inflation. The difference between these models is determined by the direction of the vector P, which depends on the fluxes in the underlying D3/D7 model of brane inflation. We discuss cosmological consequences of various versions of P-term inflation.
Comment: 18 pages, a footnote is added