
JWST FRESCO: a comprehensive census of H$\beta$+[OIII] emitters at 6.8
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
We present the census of H$\beta$+[O III] $4960,5008$ \AA emitters at $6.87$ galaxies. We report a rapid decline of the [O III] luminosity density at $z\gtrsim 6-7$ which cannot be explained solely by the evolution of the cosmic star-formation rate density. Finally, we find that FRESCO, in only $2$h, captures star-forming galaxies likely accounting for $\sim 10-20\%$ of the ionising budget at $z=7$ and $z=8$, raising the prospect of detecting directly all the sources of reionisation with JWST.
Comment: 18 pages + appendices. Submitted to MNRAS. Public catalogue release at https://github.com/rameyer/fresco . V2: minor edits to Figs. 14, 15, 19