
Possible signatures of higher dimension in thin accretion disk around brane world black hole
Document Type
Working Paper
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
High Energy Physics - Theory
We probe deeply into the characteristics of thin accretion disk surrounding black hole within the brane world paradigm. We investigate how model parameters affect the physical properties of the disk. Our findings indicate that as the tidal charge parameter inherited from the higher dimension increases, the energy flux, the radiation temperature, the spectral cutoff frequency, the spectral luminosity, and the conversion efficiency of the disk all increase, but the radius of the innermost stable circular orbit decreases. Compared to cases of the Kerr and Schwarzschild black holes, the disk is hotter and more luminous for positive tidal charge parameter, while it is cooler and less luminous for negative tidal charge parameter, which suggests the potential for probing possible signatures of higher dimension.
Comment: 16 pages, 16 figures