
Entanglement properties of a quantum-dot biexciton cascade in a chiral nanophotonic waveguide
Document Type
Working Paper
Quantum Physics
We analyse the entanglement properties of deterministic path-entangled photonic states generated by coupling the emission of a quantum-dot biexciton cascade to a chiral nanophotonic waveguide, as implemented by {\O}stfeldt et al. [PRX Quantum 3, 020363 (2022)]. We model the degree of entanglement through the concurrence of the two-photon entangled state in the presence of realistic experimental imperfections. The model accounts for imperfect chiral emitter-photon interactions in the waveguide and the asymmetric coupling of the exciton levels introduced by fine-structure splitting along with time-jitter in the detection of photons. The analysis shows that the approach offers a promising platform for deterministically generating entanglement in integrated nanophotonic systems in the presence of realistic experimental imperfections.
Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures