
Reply to Comment [arXiv:1707.00747] by P. H. R. S. Moraes, R. A. C. Correa and G. Ribeiro on 'Cosmological inviability of $f(R,T)$ gravity' [H. Velten and Thiago R. P. Caram\^es, Phys. Rev. D 95 (2017) 123536, arXiv:1702.07710]
Document Type
Working Paper
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
In this Reply we reassert the failure of the model $f(R,T)=R+\alpha T+ \beta T^2$ in providing a transition from deceleration to an accelerated stage as we have pointed out in [H. Velten and Thiago R. P. Caram\^es, Phys. Rev. D 95 (2017) 123536]. We remark that the such a Comment is essentially based on a typo which clearly does not propagate to the rest of the equations and then does not affect our conclusions. Besides, the authors mentioned an equation for the evolution of the scale factor, already previously used in [P.H.R.S. Moraes, G. Ribeiro and R.A.C. Correa, Astrophys. Space Sci. {\bf 361} 227, (2016)], which we have shown to be wrong and dimensionally inconsistent.
Comment: H. Velten and Thiago R. P. Caram\^es, Phys. Rev. D 95 (2017) 123536, arXiv:1702.07710 is indeed correct!