
Gravitational Waves from Preheating in Gauss-Bonnet Inflation
Document Type
Working Paper
The European Physical Journal C volume 81, Article number: 1144 (2021)
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
High Energy Physics - Theory
We study gravitational wave production in an expanding Universe during the first stages following inflation, and investigate the consequences of the Gauss-Bonnet term on the inflationary parameters for a power-law inflation model with a GB coupling term. Moreover, we perform the analyses on the preheating parameters involving the number of e-folds $N_{pre}$, and the temperature of thermalization $T_{th},$ and show that it's sensitive to the parameters $n$, and $\gamma$, the parameter $\gamma$ is proposed to connect the density energy at the end of inflation to the preheating energy density. We set a correlation of gravitational wave energy density spectrum with the spectral index $n_{s}$ detected by the cosmic microwave background experiments$.$ The density spectrum $\Omega_{gw}$ shows good consistency with observation for $\gamma = 10^{3}$ and $10^{6}$. Our findings suggest that the generation of gravitational waves (GWs) during preheating can satisfy the constraints from Planck's data.