
Stability of equilibria of the spatially inhomogeneous Vicsek-BGK equation across a bifurcation
Document Type
Working Paper
Mathematics - Analysis of PDEs
Nonlinear Sciences - Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems
35Q92, 35B32
The Vicsek-BGK equation is a kinetic model for alignment of particles moving with constant speed between stochastic reorientation events with sampling from a von Mises distribution. The spatially homogeneous model shows a steady state bifurcation with exchange of stability. The main result of this work is an extension of the bifurcation result to the spatially inhomogeneous problem under the additional assumption of a sufficiently large Knudsen number, which is shown to be necessary. A counterexample is derived in the form of an exponentially increasing travelling wave solution of the linearized equation, indicating a possible explanation of traveling bands, which have been observed in the literature in simulations with an individual based model. The mathematical core is the proof of linearized stability, which employs a new hypocoercivity approach based on Laplace-Fourier transformation. The bifurcation result includes global existence of smooth solutions for close-to-equilibrium initial data. For large data smooth solutions might blow up in finite time whereas weak solutions with bounded Boltzmann entropy are shown to exist globally.
Comment: 22 pages