
Semidefinite tests for latent causal structures
Document Type
Working Paper
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 66, 339 (2019)
Statistics - Machine Learning
Mathematics - Statistics Theory
Quantum Physics
Testing whether a probability distribution is compatible with a given Bayesian network is a fundamental task in the field of causal inference, where Bayesian networks model causal relations. Here we consider the class of causal structures where all correlations between observed quantities are solely due to the influence from latent variables. We show that each model of this type imposes a certain signature on the observable covariance matrix in terms of a particular decomposition into positive semidefinite components. This signature, and thus the underlying hypothetical latent structure, can be tested in a computationally efficient manner via semidefinite programming. This stands in stark contrast with the algebraic geometric tools required if the full observable probability distribution is taken into account. The semidefinite test is compared with tests based on entropic inequalities.
Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures