
Pulse Shape Discrimination in JSNS$^2$
Document Type
Working Paper
Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors
High Energy Physics - Experiment
JSNS$^2$ (J-PARC Sterile Neutrino Search at J-PARC Spallation Neutron Source) is an experiment that is searching for sterile neutrinos via the observation of $\bar{\nu}_{\mu} \rightarrow \bar{\nu}_e$ appearance oscillations using neutrinos with muon decay-at-rest. For this search, rejecting cosmic-ray-induced neutron events by Pulse Shape Discrimination (PSD) is essential because the JSNS$^2$ detector is located above ground, on the third floor of the building. We have achieved 95$\%$ rejection of neutron events while keeping 90$\%$ of signal, electron-like events using a data driven likelihood method.
Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2111.07482, arXiv:2308.02722