
The Swift Deep Galactic Plane Survey (DGPS) Phase-I Catalog
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
The \textit{Swift} Deep Galactic Plane Survey is a \textit{Swift} Key Project consisting of 380 tiled pointings covering 40 deg$^{2}$ of the Galactic Plane between longitude $10$\,$<$\,$|l|$\,$<$\,$30$ deg and latitude $|b|$\,$<$\,$0.5$ deg. Each pointing has a $5$ ks exposure, yielding a total of 1.9 Ms spread across the entire survey footprint. Phase-I observations were carried out between March 2017 and May 2021. The Survey is complete to depth $L_X$\,$>$\,$10^{34}$ erg s$^{-1}$ to the edge of the Galaxy. The main Survey goal is to produce a rich sample of new X-ray sources and transients, while also covering a broad discovery space. Here, we introduce the Survey strategy and present a catalog of sources detected during Phase-I observations. In total, we identify 928 X-ray sources, of which 348 are unique to our X-ray catalog. We report on the characteristics of sources in our catalog and highlight sources newly classified and published by the DGPS team.
Comment: Accepted in ApJS. This is the final version