
Foundation Model's Embedded Representations May Detect Distribution Shift
Document Type
Working Paper
Computer Science - Machine Learning
Computer Science - Computation and Language
Sampling biases can cause distribution shifts between train and test datasets for supervised learning tasks, obscuring our ability to understand the generalization capacity of a model. This is especially important considering the wide adoption of pre-trained foundational neural networks -- whose behavior remains poorly understood -- for transfer learning (TL) tasks. We present a case study for TL on the Sentiment140 dataset and show that many pre-trained foundation models encode different representations of Sentiment140's manually curated test set $M$ from the automatically labeled training set $P$, confirming that a distribution shift has occurred. We argue training on $P$ and measuring performance on $M$ is a biased measure of generalization. Experiments on pre-trained GPT-2 show that the features learnable from $P$ do not improve (and in fact hamper) performance on $M$. Linear probes on pre-trained GPT-2's representations are robust and may even outperform overall fine-tuning, implying a fundamental importance for discerning distribution shift in train/test splits for model interpretation.
Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, 5 tables