
On the Scales of Masses in Elementary Particles
Document Type
Working Paper
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
We make an attempt to describe the spectrum of masses of elementary particles, as it comes out empirically in six distinct scales. We argue for some rather well defined mass scales, like the electron mass: it seems to us that there is a minimum mass associated to any electric charge, so we elaborate on this assumption; indeed, some scales of masses will cover also masses of composite particles or mass differences. We extend some plausibility arguments for other scales, as binding or self-energy effects of the microscopic forces, plus some speculative uses, here and there, of gravitation. We also consider briefly exotics like supersymmetry and extra dimensions in relation to the mass scale problem, including some mathematical arguments (e.g. triality), which might throw light on the three-generation problem. The paper is rather tentative and speculative and does not make many predictions, but it seems to explain some features of the particle spectrum.
Comment: to be published in "Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei", in 2011