
Photoproduction of the {\Sigma}+ hyperon using linearly polarized photons with CLAS
Document Type
Working Paper
Nuclear Experiment
Background: Measurements of the polarization observables {\Sigma}, P, T, Ox, Oz for the reaction {\gamma}p {\rightarrow) KS0 {\Sigma}+ using a linearly polarized photon beam of energy 1.1 to 2.1 GeV are reported. Purpose: The measured data provide information on a channel that has not been studied extensively, but is required for a full coupled-channel analysis in the nucleon resonance region. Method: Observables have been simultaneously extracted using likelihood sampling with a Markov-Chain Monte- Carlo process. Results: Angular distributions in bins of photon energy E{\gamma} are produced for each polarization observable. T, Ox and Oz are first time measurements of these observables in this reaction. The extraction of {\Sigma} extends the energy range beyond a previous measurement. The measurement of P, the recoil polarization, is consistent with previous measurements. Conclusions: The measured data are shown to be significant enough to affect the estimation of the nucleon resonance parameters when fitted within a coupled-channels model.
Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures